Youth what a beautiful name is given to us YOUTH what is the meaning of youth should we know or we already know this?
Youth is that can change the entire world and change anybody in this world exist but why today's youth is becoming so dull lazy lack of memory etc health problems. Because they don't know their real potential and power.
I am taking example of India because India has majority no. of youth. According to today's time
maximum no. of time is given to internet but is that is in useful or other use.
According to today's study on usage of internet in India that is 71% used for porn 10% for useful
work and rest for other usage so this is so shameless that we are using our life in other wasteful works.
In India 12 January is celebrated as national youth day but most don't know this why this day is celebrated as national youth day the person who is responsible for this the man is SWAMI VIVEKANANDA the man who gave hind to a chance to get up and fly its flag in world.
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